Conversion Factor Table

For more details click on the appropriate heading.

Table Description

conversion from imperial to metric units

convert between metric and imperial and US measurement systems

conversion from metric to imperial units

convert between metric and imperial and US measurement systems

fuel conversion

conversion of fuels to kilowatt hour equivalent

conversion of fuels

convert oil, coal, electricity, etc. to cubic metres natural gas equivalent

temperature conversion

converts Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice-versa

weights and measures

miscellaneous values of weights and measures
kitchen conversions kitchen fact file

quick energy conversions

rule of thumb energy conversions

Bureau International des Poids et Mesures 

ensures world-wide uniformity of measurements and their traceability to the SI, and carries out measurement-related research. 

Conversion Factors 

From Process Associates of America, conversion factors for basic physical quantities plus quantities used in chemical engineering.

Dictionary of Units 

A summary of most of the units of measurement to be found in use in the world today, together with the appropriate conversion factors.

Dictionary of Units

an explanation of the principle systems of units, their history, standards, and conversion factors for changing from one to the other.

eFunda: Units and Constants

A lot of information about units and unit conversion; includes also constants, information about SI, and unit prefixes.

English Weights and Measures

miscellaneous values of English weights and measures


Favorite Mathematical Constants 

a  collection of mathematical constants from the old familiars such as Pi to some more esoteric constants. 

Fundamental Physical Constants

From NIST, latest values of the constants and background information.

How Many

From Russ Rowlett, University of North Carolina, a comprehensive dictionary of units of measurement covering the English customary systems, the metric system, and the International System of Weights and Measures (SI).

International System of Units (SI) .

essentials, background, and bibliography on the SI, the modern metric system

Measurement Conversions 

conversion tables and equations, conversion software to download, and links.

Measuring Units Conversion Tables 

convert between metric and imperial and US measurement systems.


Metric and English Unit Conversions

convert area, length, temperature, time, volume, weight, and fruit between different unit measurements.

Metric Conversion

includes weight, length, and volume.


Metric System (SI)

information on the International System.


Metrology Forum

the science of measurement or calibration and associated topics. Enlightenment to the uninitiated and soul-food to practitioners of this art.

National Institute of Standards and Technology Metric Program 

helps implement the national policy to establish the metric system as the preferred system of weights and measures for U.S. trade and commerce.

Number Exchange

categories include illumination, power, pressure, and speed.


Oh, Those Confusing Gas Flow Units! 

Tech tip by Anthony Herbert, Sulzer Metco, Inc. about the units used for gas flows and their conversion considering the standard conditions.

For more information contact Mearsecroft